Saturday, January 30, 2010

Professional Makeup Artist vs. Department Stores

So, your getting married! Congrats! Get ready to start planning and spend some money! Let's face it weddings are expensive....Hell what is not expensive these days?? Right? Right! It is so true! You booked a great photographer, of course! Can't skimp on that. You bought a awesome dress.....that is a MUST!

Well, now it's time to think about your makeup. Forgot to plan that in the budget? What is the purpose of even getting a photographer and a beautiful dress if you will not look your absolute best? It is the one day in your life to be the "shining star".....not the "shiny, no powder star"!

Why try to save a few dollars on your makeup application? You are the BRIDE, the main event! Everyone will be looking at Y-O-U, whether you like it or not! Guests will not remember how perfect your wedding was if they are too distracted by your makeup streaks or perhaps the famous "floating face" we all love so much!
"OOOOhh, you look so ummm....pretty...i think? Your face looks too white in this light, maybe if you stand over here.....yes, yes, that's better! Now dont move!"
Do your guests and yourself a favor, hire a makeup artist!

Yes, you can go to a salon and they will "touch up" your makeup after your hair service. You could also walk into any cosmetic department store, and have them try to "fit" you in. They will be distracted by "purchasing" clients. I promise you will feel pressured to buy. You can also have your MaryKay or Avon Rep apply your makeup. Almost all cosmetic products on the market today have light reflecting particles in them. They are NOT intended for being in front of the camera, but intended for everyday wear. Ladies these are your options, go ahead and choose. Did you really save a few bucks? Not really!

Here is your BEST OPTION: Hire a Professional Artist who works with camera ready makeup and the best tools in the beauty industry. These products are designed specifically to be wore while being photographed or filmed. They are made to stay on under bright lights, heavy activity and many different skin textures.

A true Makeup Artist has a "trained eye" from working daily with clients and photographers and can create a variety of looks. Professional Makeup Artist custom blend multiple pigments together to match skin tone exactly. They use colors based on what suits YOUR specific skin tone to maximize the best features and hide the imperfections. Make blemishes and dark circles problem! Enhance your lash-line and make eyes appear brighter and wider.....we would love to!

We are NOT here to "sell" you a certain product line for commission. We are in the industry because it is our passion to create beauty; making you the best version of YOU!
Look back at your wedding day pictures and remember that your day was perfect and the Bride was stunning.....that is you!

So, PLEASE, PLEASE don't make the department store mistake....hire a true Makeup Artist for your wedding day! Do NOT deprive yourself and your guests of being the most beautiful bride that YOU can be :)

For more information please call me at (763) 656.8688

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